Texas Outhouse News

William Carl

Leaders of Texas Outhouse: William Carl

Although he is most noted in the Houston community as a broker, developer and builder of high-end custom homes, what few people know is that William Carl is also a builder of dreams. As the patriarch of the Carl family, William spent his life developing dreams into reality, including those of his two sons, Noble […]

Earth Day

Honoring Earth Day

In an effort to do our part to help reduce water waste at Texas Outhouse, we recently designed, built and opened our own on-site waste water treatment plant. We are the only portable toilet company in the Greater Houston area that is PSAI certified and has its own on-site waste water treatment plant. The facility […]

check out the new sites

Out With The Old, In With The New!

Change. It’s the only constant in life, and 2017 proved to be a year full of changes for Houston and our community at large. And while we pride ourselves on being a conduit of change through the products and services we provide, we realized that 2017 was the perfect time to start making a few […]

bill pay is the same

Bill Pay Facelift

Have you seen the new Gainsborough Waste and Texas Outhouse sites?  They are pretty awesome!  For those of you that pay their bills online, don’t worry because it may look different to match the new sites, but the functionality is exactly the same. However, stay tuned because we are exploring options to make our online […]

950 McCarty

Moving Day!

We’re got some great news!  All 150 employees of Texas Outhouse and Gainsborough Waste are moving to our new facility located at 950 McCarty Street. Please stop in and say hello!


Attention Valued Customers: We will be closed Tuesday, 01/21/25, due to inclement weather. Service should resume on your next scheduled service date. Please email [email protected] with any questions or concerns. Thank you for your patience and stay safe!